New York Arbitration Week
November 17-21, 2025
NYAW 2020: A Look Back
The New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) and the New York Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArbNY) are pleased to continue their joint leadership of New York Arbitration Week (NYAW) for the second year. This year, the event will take place from November 16-20, 2020 and will be virtual. The variety of programming offered throughout the week will showcase New York as a leading global seat for international arbitration and center for thought leadership, and will be presented in a format designed to take advantage of being online.
New York Arbitration Week 2020 will include a deep dive into issues of non-signatories in arbitration hosted by CIArbNY and NYIAC and programs by leading international arbitral institutions, including a feature program of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and programs by the American Arbitration Association/ International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA/ICDR), the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR) and JAMS.
Dynamic and interactive networking opportunities and discussion groups are also planned, with several shepherded by ArbitralWomen and the Young International Arbitration Practitioners of New York that will be scheduled during multiple time slots to maximize the inclusion of a truly global delegation. New York City Bar Association and the tech-focused Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center (SVAMC) will also host programs.
The capstone of New York Arbitration Week will be the Fordham Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, with keynote speaker Professor George A. Bermann, Gellhorn Professor of Law and Jean Monnet Professor in European Union Law at Columbia Law School. The Fordham Conference will have panels on the full spectrum of dispute resolution processes and a mock Supreme Court argument on the applicability of 28 U.S.C. § 1782 to private international commercial arbitrations.
It is anticipated that, with the exception of networking events, all virtual programming during NYAW will offer CLE credit and be free of charge, with donations to justice organizations encouraged in lieu of registration fees and hosting services provided by FTI Consulting. More program information and registration links will be posted, as they become available, on this website and on the NYIAC and CIArbNY websites.
Co-Chairs Stephanie Cohen and Jeffrey A. Rosenthal note that virtual programming presents unique opportunities to connect New York thought leaders in international arbitration with a global audience. They state: “We look forward to engaging arbitration users and colleagues, both new and familiar, with topical and thought-provoking content. We are also cognizant that NYAW will take place at a time of incalculable loss and turmoil for the greater New York community and that NYAW presents an opportunity for the international arbitration community to give back and share its good fortune with others. Participants in NYAW programs will be invited to consider making a voluntary charitable contribution to the City Bar Justice Center, which increases access to justice for low-income and disadvantaged New Yorkers, the NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc., which fights for racial justice in America, or to another charity of their choice.” Learn More Here.
2020 Press Release
Thank You for Attending
Click below for more information about 2020 NYAW
NYAW 2019: A Look Back
New York’s inaugural Arbitration Week brought together arbitration advocates, neutrals and academics from New York, the Americas and the broader international community, to share information and insights on the latest developments, to promote professional development, and to provide an opportunity for networking at the start of New York’s most festive season.
Highlights of 2019 NYAW included:
- An in-depth program on the newly-released Restatement of the US Law of International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration led by the Reporter, Professor George A. Bermann, Columbia Law School, and including the Associate Reporters and leading Advisers to the decade-long project.
- NY Arbitration Week Dinner, The Yale Club of New York City, November 20 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm EST
- The Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation featuring such speakers as Meg Kinnear, ICSID Secretary-General, and keynote speaker Julian D M Lew QC, Head of the School of International Arbitration, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University.
- Social and networking events in a variety of New York venues.
The inaugural New York Arbitration Week in 2019 was a joint initiative of the New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) and the New York Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb NY Branch), supported by an Organizing Committee co-chaired by Frances E. Bivens (Member, NYIAC Executive Committee) and Richard L. Mattiaccio, FCIArb, C. Arb. (Chair, CIArb NY Branch Chair), and consisting of members Thomas B. Halket, FCIArb, C. Arb (President, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators), Louis B. Kimmelman, FCIArb (Member, NYIAC Executive Committee), Rekha Rangachari (Executive Director, NYIAC), Steven Skulnik, FCIArb (Chair, CIArb NY Branch Program Committee), and Edna Sussman, FCIArb (Chair, NYIAC Board of Directors).
2019 Press Release
Thank You for Attending
Click below for more information about 2019 NYAW