New York Arbitration Week
November 17-21, 2025

Top 10 Tips on How to Make an Award Work: Lessons from the ICC Scrutiny Process
Program Host: ICC
When: Monday, November 15, 2021
12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Join members of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (“ICC Court”) as they lift the veil on the most frequent points brought to the attention of arbitral tribunals by the ICC Court during the scrutiny of draft arbitral awards.
Based on the challenges encountered by arbitral tribunals when drafting arbitral awards, panelists will put forward ten practical tips on how best to avoid recurrent shortcomings and improve the quality and enforceability of awards.
This interactive roundtable discussion will notably feature examples of comments from the ICC Court touching a broad range of issues, such as non-participating parties, awards by consent, dissenting opinions, iura novit curia, interest and costs, the assessment of witness and expert evidence, drafting the dispositive section of awards, and the failure to address certain claims raised by the parties or addressing claims not raised by the parties.
A request for CLE credit is pending for NY. To receive credit, please record the codes that will be displayed on the screen during the program and submit the CLE form (linked below) and evaluation. You must provide your state bar/ARDC number in order to receive credit.
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Maria Chedid; Partner, Arnold & Porter
Ndanga Kamau; Arbitrator and Counsel, Ndanga Kamau Law
Ina C. Popova; Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton
Todd Wetmore; Partner, Three Crowns