New York Arbitration Week
November 17-21, 2025

With thanks to our generous sponsors and partners, unless otherwise noted, attendance at all NYAW events is free of charge.
New York Arbitration Week 2023 welcomes coordinated programming and opportunities for collaboration with the international arbitration community during this year’s conference. If you have a proposal for a program or event to take place during NYAW 2023, please reach out with your proposal to Gretta Walters ([email protected]) and Damien Nyer ([email protected]), copying both May Khoury ([email protected]) and Surya Gopalan ([email protected]).
We welcome submissions by September 8, 2023. Please include your name, affiliation, program abstract, and proposed date/time/venue to the extent possible. All programming requests are subject to approval by the NYAW Organizing Committee to ensure consistency with the theme for NYAW 2023, our commitment to diversity, and programming that is unique and complementary.
New York International Arbitration Center and CIARB NY Branch Announce New York Arbitration Week: November 13-17, 2023
NEW YORK, July, 2023 – The New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) and the New York Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArbNY) are pleased to continue their joint leadership of New York Arbitration Week (NYAW) for the fifth consecutive year. This year, the event will take place in person from November 13–17, 2023.
In celebration of New York Arbitration Week’s fifth year, the theme of New York Arbitration Week 2023 is “New York, New York: A Celebration of New York Law and Arbitration”. The theme aims to highlight the deep and multifaceted connection between international arbitration and New York City by including a variety of topics that focus on New York’s connection not only with the practice of international arbitration but also with numerous global jurisdictions.
Drawing on New York’s position as a global city, NYAW 2023 will engage both local and global practitioners, scholars, and thought leaders to showcase New York City as a leading destination for the international arbitration community. Programming will highlight the diversity of New York practitioners and focus on the profound nexus between New York and international arbitration by exploring both the use of New York law in contracts around the world, and the resolution of global disputes in New York—including not only the role of New York as a seat of international arbitration but also the role of New York courts in facilitating arbitration.
We look forward to welcoming the global arbitration community in-person in New York. Further details will be announced in the coming months.
ABOUT: The New York Arbitration Week Organizing Committee consists of members from across the globe, reflecting NYAW’s goal of engaging with members of our international arbitration community in all regions. This year, the Committee is chaired by Gretta Walters and Damien Nyer and includes members Jessica Beess und Chrostin, Kate Brown de Vejar, Napoleão Casado Filho, Steph Cohen, Andrew Finn, Sanghoon Han, Benno Kimmelman, Annie Lespérance, Melissa Magliana, Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky, Natalie Reid, Rekha Rangachari, Daniel Schimmel, Steven Skulnik, and Erin Thomas, as well as Committee Secretaries David Blackman, Surya Gopalan, Eric Lenier Ives, May Khoury, Su Rao, and Alicia Yeo.
NYIAC is a non-profit organization formed to advance, strengthen, and promote the conduct of international arbitration in New York. NYC presents thought leadership programs and hosts a range of educational and networking programs and events for the international arbitration and New York ADR community. See www.nyiac.org.
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Institute) is a learned society and charity headquartered in London. It provides worldwide scholarship and professional development for all areas of alternative dispute resolution, has approximately 17,000 members worldwide and is the only accrediting body to confer arbitrator credentials recognized around the world. See www.ciarb.org. CIArbNY represents the Institute in the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut; it offers Institute training in international arbitration and other ADR programs in its territory. See www.ciarbny.org.
NY Arbitration Week 2023
Press Release for November 13-17, 2023
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