New York Arbitration Week
November 17-21, 2025

The Viability of Virtual Arbitration: Reviewing Trends, Sharing Experiences and Debating Best Practices
Program Host: JAMS
When: Monday, November 16, 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
The panel will consist of seasoned arbitrators – who conduct both domestic and international arbitrations – and experienced attorneys who represent parties in such proceedings. Panelists will set the stage with a quick review of the record to date: How commonplace have virtual arbitrations become, and how satisfied have advocates and parties been? The discussion will briefly turn to how the “law” has been developing: May arbitrators order merits hearings on video platforms and is this occurring in practice? The bulk of the discussion will be devoted to a robust exploration of the experiences, of both the arbitrators and litigating counsel on the panel with hearings on video platforms and tips they can offer to both arbitrators and counsel so as to maximize the viability and effectiveness of video hearings. The panel discussion will be followed by audience Q&A.
Michael D. Young, Esq. | JAMS